Category Archives: Artist Watch

Artist Watch: Anthony Howe

Based in Washington, kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe creates intricate steel structures that move with the power of the wind. They’re absolutely mesmerizing and incredibly interesting to look at from every angle.

Artist Watch: Joe Kievitt

Meticulously hand drawn and colored, one would believe that these pieces were digitally made and printed.  But if you look close enough there might be one blotch or something slightly not symmetrical that will be the sign that these were hand made.

Joe Kievitt is behind these beautiful drawings. The mosaics are probably my favorite, but the crispness of the lines and the the even tones of color are astonishing. Check out more of his work at his website.

Artist Watch: Ultra Creative

Ultra CreativeThis is an amazing package design from Ultra Creative that I just can’t get over! I first found it on the Dieline where I immediately needed to know more about this project. Ultra Creative each year creates a promotional piece that has “original artwork that is both cultural snapshot and talent showcase”. The project usually has to be relevant, interactive and above all hold one pound of chocolate! Excellent choice, if I do say so myself.

Here are some images from this past year’s promotional project, The Fox with the Golden Fur. Enjoy!

Artist Watch: Johan Olander

Our friend and fellow child-at-heart Johan Olander has a great new book, My Robots: The Robotic Genius of Lady Regina Bonquers III (Amazon Publising, 2012).

It’s a collection of sketches and notes from the (fictitious) Lady Regina revealing her brilliant (and funny) designs, including the Slobot (a sewer cleaning robot) and the Babysitter Bot. We think it will inspire young artists and writers to keep on sketching and imagining.

Artist Watch: Matthew Davis

The paintings of Matthew Davis are like vivid dreams.  You can see what the image is, but it’s a little unclear since there isn’t a definitive line and the colors pop right out at you.  The British artist slowly drips pools of oil paint on different surfaces (sometimes aluminum, others canvas) and lets them dry before going back and adding more pools of color.  I absolutely love color and I’m blown away by the way he handles it.  You can find out more about Matthew Davis’ work here on his website.

Artist Watch: Tyree Callahan

I first encountered the Chromatic Typewriter through Colossal (which is a site that posts great artwork).  Tyree Callahan created the Chromatic Typewriter, and I personally wish that I could send emails this way!

Instead of letters on the typewriter, he replaced them with colors so you can now paint your letters out.  It creates a very ethereal picture, a very hazy, dreamy landscape.  To find out more about Callahan’s work check out his website!

Artist Watch: Jolby

Jolby, a collaboration between two friends, Josh Kenyon and Colby Nichols, creates fun minimalist illustrations with harmonious color palettes that make us smile. Check out their fantastic illustrations, graphic design, and other creative gems.

Artist Watch: Street Art

Been very much into street art these days.
Here are a few snapshots from my excursions so far…

Artist Watch: Maira Kalman

Maira Kalman’s work is extensive.  She has written and illustrated children’s books, created The New Yorker Magazine covers, and many many more pieces.  Her paintings and sense of color are exquisite and seem to be alive!